Miss Annie And The Chief Page 7
“I guess I'm more like my aunt than I ever imagined.” Annie replies with a touch of remorse.
Mark tenderly touches her cheek. “That's one of the things I love about you.” He emphasizes the word love. Their eyes lock for a moment.
Mark breaks the moment and heads for his horse. Annie calls to him. “Please be careful...Mark.”
She says his name with such tenderness and love it consumes his soul. He returns to her. “That's the first time you've said my name.”
“I’ll say it everyday if you want.” Annie’s misting eyes pleading for him to be careful, to return to her alive.
“I want that more than anything.” Mark declares as he kisses Annie, a deep, loving kiss, not caring who sees them.
As his men have assembled, ready to ride, Mark gives Annie a warm smile, trying to add a bit of positivity to the serious moment. “I look forward to taking you up on that offer.”
Annie watches him ride away from the fort with his company.
In the Colorado wilderness…
The warriors, along with Chief Red Hawk, ride hard through the country, hunting the Rush posse, while the cavalry, led by Captain Caldwell and some of the scouts from Annie's class, ride hard through the country tracking the warriors and the posse.
The warriors find the posse. They engage in battle. The cavalrymen arrive at the battle. The warriors start shooting at the cavalrymen. They shoot back.
Mark is helpless to stop the battle. There is too much confusion and tempers are hot. The battle rages, fiercely.
Carl Rush is aims at Chief Red Hawk. Mark sees this and tries to stop it, but he is too late. Carl, the coward he is, shoots Chief Red Hawk in the back. A sardonic smile crosses his face.
Mark locks eyes with Chief Red Hawk. Mark looks at Carl. Carl is about to shoot another Indian in the back. Mark aims, fires and shoots Carl dead as Chief Red Hawk watches.
Mark hollers to one of his men. “Get the chief back to the fort, quick. Have the surgeon tend to him.”
Dick Rush has seen Mark kill his brother and attacks him. They fight. A brutal fist battle. Which takes them over a ridge. They fall out of sight. The cavalryman Mark issued the orders to has witnessed the fight and the fall.
At Fort Mills…
A few of Mark’s men return to the fort with the fatally wounded Chief Red Hawk as well as other wounded. Annie hurries to the chief’s side. She takes his hand in hers.
“Do you remember the place I took you?” Chief Red Hawk asks Annie.
“Yes, I do.”
“When I die, I ask that you make sure I am buried there. That is where my father is buried. And his father. Promise me, Miss Annie.”
“I promise.” She asserts as she squeezes his hand.
“My time to die is now. I am not afraid, death is just a change of worlds. Captain Caldwell fought bravely. He has brought honor to my death.”
‘Please hold on, Chief Red Hawk.”
Red Hawk sees in Annie's eyes how much he means to her. “I will think of you when I see flowers in the other world.”
Tears roll down Annie's cheeks. He touches one of her tears, wiping it from her cheek. Annie shares one last smile with the chief as he dies.
She turns to the cavalryman who saw Mark go over the ledge with the Rush brother. “Where is Captain Caldwell?”
The man shakes his head, silently saying that Mark didn’t make it.
Inside the saloon, it’s quiet. Only a couple of old salts sit at the bar. The bartender wipes glasses.
Roy plays the piano. He’s playing “Silent Night.” He’s mastered the song and the version he’s playing is sentimental and poignant.
Annie sits near him, listening. She's completely heartbroken.
A man enters the saloon. With the sun to his back, no one can tell who he is. Until he steps closer to Annie. It's Mark. He's badly beaten up, but okay.
She sees him and can’t run to him fast enough, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Mark!” She cries just as they embrace.
“I’m here to hold you to your promise.” Mark whispers to her, as he holds her tight. So tight it’s as if he’s never planning on letting her go. Which he isn’t. He looks deep into her eyes and gives her a loving smile. “Let's go home, Annie.”
Thank you for reading “Miss Annie And The Chief.” I hope you enjoyed the story. For more information about me and my projects, please check out my website: http://www.joanykane.com
I am a screenwriter by trade. My first movie, the Emmy nominated “The Christmas Card,” was voted the most beloved holiday movie of all time by the Hallmark audience. My movie “The Christmas Kiss,” when it aired on ION, was the highest rated movie of all time for the channel. My most recent movie, “Matchmaker Santa,” aired in 2012. It was the highest rated movie of the year for the Hallmark Channel.
Soon to be released on ebook, before becoming a movie, is my festive and fun Christmas romance…
OPERATION NAUGHTY: Santa recruits a naughty young lady to help him take down a naughtier man in order to save Christmas. It's magical, epically romantic - and fun. A mix of "Pretty Woman" and "A Christmas Carol."
Already available in ebook are two novellas, “The Memory Agent & Fool Me Once.” They both feature action, crime, suspense and really awesome romances!
Coming soon more ebooks by me:
THE REMOTE SEDUCTION: A genius female hacker is recruited by a hot government agent working for a secret organization to steal back a high tech remote control from a beguiling rogue agent who is closer to her than she realizes.
THE REALM WARRIOR: Phoebe, an archeologist, gets trapped in a different dimension while searching for her missing father and must rely on the help from a magnificent warrior from the otherworld dimension in order to find her dad and return to her own world.
WE MET IN A DREAM: During a long weekend at a spa, an unfulfilled woman finds passion and love with – literally – the man from her dreams. (Erotica.)
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Miss Annie and the Chief
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